The People’s Republic of China accepts Ambassador of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Mawlawi Asadullah “Bilal Karimi” arrived in Beijing, on November 24, 2023, and was received and welcomed by diplomats of Embassy of IEA in China and Yue Xiaoyong, the Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign of Affairs of China for Afghanistan accompanying a delegation.

Today, Bilal Karimi handed over a copy of his credentials to Hong Li, the Director General of protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

During meeting, welcoming the Ambassador of Afghanistan, Mr. Hong Le called it an important step in the development of relations between China and Afghanistan, adding that China respects the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and the decisions of the people of Afghanistan
,and neither does it interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan now nor has it interfered before.

Hong Li mentioned that China wants to assist Afghanistan in economic and infrastructure projects within the framework of Belt Road Initiative.

Mr. Karimi said that I am happy to commence my work as the official Ambassador and Special Representative of IEA in China, adding that the improvement in relations between the two countries to a high level is an important chapter, and he desired to strengthen and expand it further.

Assuring the Chinese side that there is no threat to anyone from the territory of Afghanistan, Mr. Karimi said that stability and security in the region is in the interest of all, adding further he praised China’s positive and non-intervention policy towards Afghanistan and called China is a a good neighbour of Afghanistan.

Calling role of China vital in the domains of investment, revitalisation of infrastructure, developmental projects and reconstruction in Afghanistan, Mr. Karimi said that the existing stability in Afghanistan is a good opportunity, which should be utilised to a maximum extent.

In the end, Mr. Hong Le expressed hope that with the acceptance of of the official ambassador of the Islamic Emirate, the positive relations between China and Afghanistan will be further strengthened and expanded.
In the end, Mr. Hong Le once again welcomed IEA-Ambassador and gave assurance in the near future, of a special ceremony, where the original credentials will be presented to the President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping.

Following, the former head of Afghan mission in China, Mr. Syed Mohiuddin Sadat, introduced the official Ambassador of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the diplomats and staff of the embassy and prayed for success in his tenure.

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